What is Landing Page Optimization?
Landing page optimization (LPO) is the process of improving different elements on a website to increase conversions.
A conversion is a meaningful action that has some sort of value to you. Some of the different types of conversion action are:
- Product Sale
- Form Submission
- Newsletter Sign Up
There are different types of conventional conversion actions based on different types of business models on the web. To know more about the type of conversion actions that are most common for different types of business models, you can read that here.
A good landing page converts your visitors into taking your desired action all while delighting them.
Does that mean I have to re-design my whole page/website to optimize for conversions?
No, Landing page optimization does not mean you have to completely re-design your landing page. It basically means that you identify potential bad design elements on your landing page and fix those elements.
For example, Clarity is the most important element in landing page design. Let me give you an example of a bad hero section where clarity is not clear.
A lot of you us like to have these big background images on our sites. But you know even something so subtle like a simple background image is starting to make the text more difficult to read. We also like to have these background videos but that also make the words more difficult to read.
As seen in the image above, the text is not clearly visible and it makes a bad user experience.
We can easily fix this by using good design practices. We don’t need to change the background image.
Let me give you one more example of bad design of hero section
Better version:
So, you get the idea.
The more creative you get doesn’t necessarily mean the more usable or the better experience your website has.
We have to be creative and give a certain level of aesthetics to our site but we also don’t have to cross that line where we degrade the quality and readability of our message. Those are really important concepts to keep in mind.
How Landing page optimization increases your revenue?
You spend so much money on PPC campaigns, SEO, content creation, social media marketing, email marketing to get customers.
And yet you are losing revenue because you are not doing enough. You don’t understand how to more profitably and more effectively convert the traffic that’s coming to your site.
In fact, a report released by Adobe, an e-marketer, revealed that spending on traffic acquisition outpaced spending on traffic optimization by a factor of 92 percent that’s huge.
Landing page optimization is not technical. It’s based on universal psychological principles that you already understand.